Welcome to Boyd Thompson's

32nd Bomb Squadron, 1942-1945

A Place for Old Friends to Get Together, Tell Us Where and How They Are, Record History, and
Share Memories and Information about the 32nd Bomb Squadron and Its Members in WWII

Boyd Thompson

A Memorial. June 1, 1921 – July 9, 2016. This is a 're-creation' of Boyd Thompson's original 32ndbombsquadron website.

I met Boyd' when I found his original website in the early 2000's and we communicated a few times over the years. He was very proud of his service and of the 32nd Squadron.

Some time ago the original website disappeared (after his death it was available for a time) and I unsuccessfully attempted to reach the company that helped him and hosted it. I have seen this happen to many sites created by veterans and even associations. So some time ago we made a backup of the site. I am sure Boyd would be pleased to keep the memories of these men alive. Here's to Boyd for bringing this to everyone in the first place and all the contributions. I've changed it up a bit and accounted for viewing on cell phones, etc. As a Director of the Army Air Corps Museum, thank you all for visiting and contributing material in the past. I am honored to bring this back, I hope I have recovered everything. Regards, Robert Coalter.

32nd Bomb Squadron Patch Insignia

Visit our other websites:
301st Bombardment Group
Army Air Corps Museum